How To Tie a Tie

February 06, 2025
Info Umum
How To Tie a Tie

Learning how to tie a tie is a rite of passage for many men.

How To Tie a Tie

Whether you're getting ready for a job interview, a wedding, or just want to look sharp, mastering this skill is essential. Follow these step-by-step instructions to learn how to tie a tie like a pro.

Step 1: Start with the wide end on your right and the narrow end on your left. The wide end should be about twice as long as the narrow end.

Step 2: Cross the wide end over the narrow end, and then bring it back under the narrow end.

Step 3: Bring the wide end over the narrow end again, this time bringing it up and over your neck from the front.

Step 4: Take the wide end and pass it down and behind the knot, bringing it up and over the front of the knot once more.

Step 5: Take the wide end and pass it over the knot from left to right.

Step 6: Bring the wide end up and over the knot from the back.

Step 7: Pass the wide end down and behind the knot once more, and then bring it up and over the knot from the front.

Step 8: Tuck the wide end into the loop created by the knot, and then adjust the knot and the length of the tie as needed.

Congratulations, you've successfully tied your tie! Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep practicing until you can tie a tie with ease.

Blog authors

Hanya Penulis Biasa! Blogger

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